Building Work in Progress

So as with I hope many of you Santa was nice to me this Christmas.

::Updated So the Images Actually work now::

Below are some images of the items I have managed to complete gluing, more pictures in the near future as I start painting.

The Aquila Strongpoint is an absolute beast, if you ever get to take one in your army, have fun placing it onto a table at a tournament, its a real beast, and was pretty simple to put it together

Yes I have some Firstorm redoubts, just a work in progress of being built at the moment. 

I cheated slightly here, instead of using the punisher turret, and being unable to use the Battlecannon, I decided to glue the Battlecannon turret on, and the punisher end fits nicely into it. 

This will be my way of being able to try out all the possible builds for the Vengeance Batteries.
