So for todays 3 game, 1750 tournament my list is below... although the picture gives it away methinks!
Inqusitor, Terminator Armour, Psycannon
Grey Knight Terminators x 5, 3 Halberds, 1 Sword, 1 Daemonhammer, 1 PsycannonInqusitor, Terminator Armour, Psycannon
Grey Knight Terminators x 5, 3 Halberds, 1 Sword, 1 Daemonhammer, 1 Psycannon
Interceptors x 10, Psybolt Ammunition, Incinerator x 2
Dreadknight, Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight, Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Space Wolf Rune Priest, Meltabombs, Jaws of the World Wolf / Murderous Hurricane
Grey Hunters x 10, Plasma Gun x 2, Drop Pod
Grey Hunters x 6, Meltagun, Drop PodI will probably struggle against an all flyer list, however thats a risk I am willing to take (no that i have a choice with this list lol).
Lots of shock and awe for me to flood your deployment zone with models, and force you to make some interesting choices in the early game.
If nothing else the games will be bloody!
They just end up being a frustration lol.