I have been asked to expand on a Necron & Grey Knight Alliance idea I proposed back in August last year.
I know you can see a others doing this on the net at the moment, but figure its worth having another look at.
So if you want to see the list I was considering at 1500 points click here.
Ok, all caught up on the theory (ish)? Here is my first draft at 1750:
Inquisitor, Terminator Armour, Psycannon, Psyker, Warlord
Terminator Squad x 5, Psycannon
Terminator Squad x 5, Psycannon
Dreadknight, Personnal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight, Personnal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Overlord, Mindshackle Scarabs, Warscthe, Sempiternal Weave
Warriors x 11, Night Scythe
Tomb Blades x 5, Gauss Blasters
Annhilation Barge
Total: 1748
So here is how I would propose expanding that to 1750. As usual for my Grey Knight armies I am building on my standard two Dreadknights.
Now these may or may not be too your liking, but if like me you think they do the job then never settle for 1, always go for two, and that is why the Grey Knights are the primary force here.
So this list has the Dreadknights into the enemies face on turn 1, shunting to the place where their incinerators can do the best damage. In my experience that ties up a chunk of my enemies shooting in turn 1.
This allows the Terminators to move towards objectives / the enemy. Three psychic powers is good against anyone not using Eldar, as it really gives me a good chance of getting Misfortune, which for me is one of the best powers in Divination (and in some cases you would keep over Prescience!)
The Tomb Blades can also dart forward, but for me they and the Annhilation barge offer the best chances for first blood for my enemy.
Turn 2 and with the hopeful arrival of my Warriors and Overlord I can kill a tank and get some troops deep onto the board.
The Downsides of this list:
Low troop count. Only three units, and I usually prefer to have 4 or more if I can, even at 1500 points, although the troops I have are pretty durable.
The Warriors being only AP4 are vulnerable to a lot of things out there, so it may be worth upgrading them to Immortals with Gauss, that would bring me down to 8 models in that unit, but could greatly increase their survivability.
So moving on... list 2!
Grandmaster: Psycannon, Nemesis Force Sword, 1 of Rad or Psychotoke Grenades, Warlord
Terminator Squad x 5, Psycannon
Terminator Squad x 5, Psycannon
Dreadknight, Personnal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Dreadknight, Personnal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Overlord, Mindshackle Scarabs, Warscthe, Sempiternal Weave
Warriors x 13 or Immortals x 10, Night Scythe
Tomb Blades x 5, Gauss Blasters
Annhilation Barge
This addresses one of my main issues with the first list, troops! Making the Dreadknights scoring in 2/3 of the time is amazing. Even people who don't feel Dreadknights are a threat (which is a mistake imo) will target them when they are scoring.
I keep the same number of psycannons as list 1, but lose all my Psychic powers. The Grandmaster can have either of the fun Grenade toys if I so wish, or some of the more interesting options in his unit entry. Not sure the 15 points are worth spending there as he is footslogging or deep striking, but it is an option.
The Necrons side of the list is the same as before except this time you can fit in a 13 Warriors, or a full squad of Immortals. with the Immortals this list hits 1750 on the head, vs 1749 with the Warriors.
As ever I look forward to some feedback, let me know what you think, what you would change!