Battle Brothers - Sample List B

So looking for some feedback on a couple of lists Dragkon and I are looking at taking to GW Lenton in January next year.

The rules for building the lists this year are simple... make a 1500 point list from the rules presented in the main rulebook.

We have decided to try the allied theme for now, and we currently have several lists. I will post them over the next few days and would love any feedback you have to give us!

List B:

Main Detachment - Grey Knights

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Terminator Armour, Psycannon

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Terminator Armour, Psycannon

Strike Squad x 5

Strike Squad x 5

Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator

Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator

Allied Detachment - Blood Angels

Terminator Armour, Storm Shield

Assault Squad x 5
Drop Pod

Terminators x 5
Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields


The Theme
Well not really a theme here, its more a case of this is a smash you up in close combat, if you can kill the Dreadknights then we probably lose, especially if you can drop the Stormraven before it delivers its cargo!
