So looking for some feedback on a couple of lists Dragkon and I are looking at taking to GW Lenton in January next year.
The rules for building the lists this year are simple... make a 1500 point list from the rules presented in the main rulebook.
We have decided to try the allied theme for now, and we currently have several lists. I will post them over the next few days and would love any feedback you have to give us!
List A:
Main Detachment - Space Marines
Chapter Master:
Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Artificer Armour
Tactical Squad
Flamer, Multi-Melta, Drop Pod
Tactical Squad
Flamer, Multi-Melta, Drop Pod
Storm Talon
Twin Linked Assault Cannon & Twin Linked Lascannon
Storm Talon
Twin Linked Assault Cannon & Typhoon Rocket Launcher
Aegis Defence Line, Icarus Lascannon
Allied Detachment - Imperial Guard
Company Command Squad
4 Flamers
Sly Marbo
Infantry Platoon
Command Squad: 4 Meltaguns
Infantry Squad: Autocannon
Infantry Squad: Autocannon
Infantry Squad: Autocannon
The Theme:
A Chapter Master while consulting with a Planetary Govenor was present at the beginning of an invaision by hostile forces. He split his Honour Guard amongst the PDF, with each Space Marine taking command of a Detachment.
Over the months that it has taken for their forces to arrive to reinforce the planet, the Chapter Masters Honour Guard have fallen in battle, leaving just the Chapter Master and remants of the PDF to defend the planet.
Just as everything looks to end, just as it appears the Emporer has forsaken them, the Space Marine forces arrive.