Deathworld (Game 5) - 2000 Points

The Final game of Deathworld from yesterday, the reduction in our army lists is gone, and this time its 2000 points of pain! Well so I hope.

I will follow this with a run down of how the tournament went later today.

The Mission:

This mission is gonna be an interesting one as well. My Army is pretty much designed around tabling my oppponent, a Glass Cannon as such. Depending on who I draw this will go very well for either me or them.

The Grey Knight Army:
Total: 2000
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor: Terminator Armour, Psycannon, Daemonhammer, Servo Skull
Grandmaster Modrak
Ghost Knights x 5 - Halberds x 3, Daemonhammer, Brotherhood Banner

Grey Knight Strike Squad x 5, Psycannons

Grey Knight Strike Squad x 5, Psycannons

Grey Knight Interceptor Squad x 10, Psybolt Ammunition, 2 x Psycannons

Grey Knight Interceptor Squad x 10, Psybolt Ammunition, 2 x Incinerators, Justicar has MC Force Weapon

Purifiers x 5, 3 x Force Halberd, 2 x Incinerator, Razorback with Psybolt Ammunition
Nemesis Dreadknight, Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator
Nemesis Dreadknight, Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator

My Opponent:


Blood Angels

The Sanguinor
Tactical Squad (Meltagun & Rocket Launcher), Rhino
Assault Squad x 7, Sergeant has Power Sword
Landraider w/ Extra Armour
Death Company Dread
Death Company x 11, Lemartes, 4 x Bolters, 2 x Thunder Hammers
Landspeeder, Typhoon Rocket Launcher
Landspeeder, Typhoon Rocket Launcher
