Themed Flying

So with flyers being the new and in thing for 40k, I thought I would take a couple of posts to look at how you can theme your list around them.

In this case I have decided to go for what I believe will be an entirely reserved list, with several scoring units, and lots of flyers!

This is an off the cuff idea, and I don't actually have the flyers to do it yet (although that will happen me thinks).

Necron Overlord - Mindshackle Scarabs, Warscythe

Royal Court -
Harbinger of Destruction - Eldritch Lance & Solar Pulse

Immortals x 8, Gauss Blaster, Night Scythe

Immortals x 8, Gauss Blaster, Night Scythe

Warriors x 5, Night Scythe

Warriors x 5, Night Scythe

Doom Scythe

Doom Scythe

Doom Scythe

So an entirely reserved army list, with lots of Flyers. 

The Anti Horde of this force comes down to the lots and lots of Twin Linked Tesla Destructors along side their Arc special rule should give me a decent shout at destroying Infantry.

The Doom Scythes themselves will be on Anti Tank Duties with their Death Ray, and in the turn I deploy all my Gauss Weaponary I should hopefully be able to deal with a Tank or two as well. 

The Nature of Tesla on the Flyers, means that even if I need to take evasive maneuvers requiring 6's to hit with a re-roll that grant me three hits is not such a bad thing against, at works AV12 flyers. 

For the turn I need to drop my troops off I even have a Solar Pulse, just to help them all survive, but hopefully by that point it will be game set n match anyway. 

All in All I think this could be a very fun list to play, and for those of you curious it comes to a grand total of 1500 points.... not too shabby!!

Admittedly not having the rule book in my hands means this is major theory crafting, we also don't know how the FAQ will affect the Necrons so it could all change, but if nothing else some food for thought!


Unknown said…
I've used five fliers at once, and struggle to fit them on the board and move them around! 7 seems like a lot!

I did have the Stormlord though, and a few more cypteks, which is where all my pts went too!

I can see a flier army being really good, expecially in 6th :)
Kraggi said…
Yes, I saw on your blog, which sort of inspired me lol.

I have in 5th used 6 flyers in a game before, with two groups of three Squadron Vendettas & Valks, was a completely outflanking list which was all about shock and awe for my opponents.

With the new flyer rules this list could turn out to be exceptionally good, of course my idea is completely based on rumors and happenstance.

When I have the book in hand I will have another think about this.
Anonymous said…
I have the book.
I see it working, especially because NSCythes don't actually carry troops, they deliver them. Should they shoot at your fliers they will fall on your enemies raining havoc and destruction.
Problem? the actually cost in petty cash...
Anonymous said…
Like the list, alot like mine:

2 overlords
2 Harbinger of storm
2 Harbinger of destruction

10 warriors w/ nightscythe
10 warriors w/ nightscythe

Whatever I can fit for scarabs.

I just add more crypteks and warrior squads with nightscythes to meet the point level I'm playing, and add wargear to my crypteks, with 6th coming out the harbinger of storm have great effect on assaulting units when combined with overwatch.
Kraggi said…
Yes I actually can't wait to overwatch with my Tesla immortals... even snap firing with my Annihilation barges dont sound that bad, as just 1 six will give me three hits which I am more than happy with lol.