Dystopian Wars - More Pictures!

Another day, another double post. But I couldn't let this one slip anyone by, as this time we have some painted pictures of the French Forces! 

Very excited by these models and I hope they get everyone else in the mood for some games of Dystopian Wars this weekend!

Magenta Class I Pocket Battleship

Magenta Class II Pocket Battleship

Marseille Class Crusier

Lyon Class Frigates

Bastille 'N-5' Class Landship

Forcault 'R-6' Medium Class Tank

Marteau 'ACA-8' Class Bombard

Voltaire Class Heavy Interceptor & Tiny Tokens
So, what do you think about the latest offering from Spartan Games? Are you interested in getting involved in it, or do these models not appeal?


Anonymous said…
IMO these are some of the nicest looking models in the range - their aesthetics really appeal to me. Why God why do they have to belong to the cheese-eating surrender monkeys?
Anonymous said…
I agree with the rosbeef (or the yankee?), they look good, but I dont really understand how a "minor faction" could bring such ships. I'm happy that all minor faction could have their own complete fleet!

A monkey.
Kraggi said…
Aye, I hope they they get expanded to be a complete faction as I really do quite like them! Not what I expected at all!