Defender Warjack

Another of my Brothers Warjacks, this time the Defender. This guy looks like a beast, and like too many of the Cygnar 'jacks (in my mind) he has a big gun attached to the arm!


Pete W said…
The Defender was one of the first warjacks that appealed to me even before I knew much about Warmachine. I'm putting together a small army list for future collecion and this is almost definitely on the list.

I just can't decide between this heavy barrel or bringing a Mule from the mercenaries faction to have some explosive fun.

One thing I like about WM/H is that there don't seem to be as many poor choices as you find in some GW codexes/army books, which lets you be more free with what you collect.

Kraggi said…
Hiya Pete,

I agree completely, the thing with WM/H is that it is a very rock/paper/scissors game. Everything else has its uses against something else. Sometimes you will just come up against a list that can tear yours to peices, but yours might be the only list (or only one of a few) that it can do that with.

I have to say that WM/H is what started me on my buy the model I like the look of, which at the moment I am managing to do even in 40k lol.
Kraggi said…
Hiya Pete,

I agree completely, the thing with WM/H is that it is a very rock/paper/scissors game. Everything else has its uses against something else. Sometimes you will just come up against a list that can tear yours to peices, but yours might be the only list (or only one of a few) that it can do that with.

I have to say that WM/H is what started me on my buy the model I like the look of, which at the moment I am managing to do even in 40k lol.
Pete W said…
Well that's good to hear. I've moved more into the buy what you like camp much more than I used to be. My current Deathwing army is a big amalgamation of the different plastic terminator boxes available with all of their cool idiosyncrasies mixed in.

Looking forward to that kind of fun in Warmachine once I'm all painted up with what I have at the moment.

Nice work. I like the blue tinted metal on the model as a contrast to the plain metal on him.

Ron, FTW