DWARF, aslo known as Dunfermline Wargaming and Roleplaying Fellowship is the closest club to where I live.

While I do a lot of my gaming at Kingdom of Adventure, I am now making more and more time to get along to the DWARF gaming nights held on a Friday.

Below are some pictures from a Typical gaming night for them, as a general rule there tend to be anything from 6 or more 40k or Warhammer games on the go, along with a RPG's and games like Magic being played as well.

Its always busy and has been ticking along now for a fair old time.

They also hold two Warhammer Tournaments a year, one in the first half of the year and one in the second.

I was lucky enough to attend the Winter War tournament in November with my Dwarves where I finished 13th of 42. Not bad at all for my first games of Warhammer in 7 or 8 months lol!

I intend to attend this more often, especially as I owe a certain Mr Harpers Tomb Kings a smacking around. Well an attempt to do so.


A certain Mr Harper said…
Bring it!
Kraggi said…
Give me a time, day and points size and I will be there!
Mr H said…
Saturday the 21st 12 noon, 3500pts
Kraggi said…
Hmmm thats the Big Game I am promised into at KoA.
Porky said…
Off-topic, mostly, have you seen this?


BoLS are looking for a Dystopian Wars writer. You could definitely do that.
Kraggi said…
I hadnt seen that, thanks for point it out, I have just sent an email off and we will see what they say!