Clan Kragg - Revisited

So with an upcoming Blood Bowl tournament (which I cannot attend) and lots of people playing the Blood Bowl card game I have felt the tug of my Dwarven players.

So that I am capable of playing some games with minimal effort, here is my team given the official rules tell me to start with a value of 1.15 Million... this is what I spent it on!

Coach: Kraggi
Team Name: Clan Krag
Fan Factor x 7 @  70,000 GP
Re-rolls x 4 @       200,000 GP
Blitzer x 2 @         160,000 GP
Runner x 2 @        160,000 GP
Troll Slayer x 2 @ 180,000 GP
Blocker x 6 @       420,000 GP
Total: 1,150,000 GP

Team Roster:
Blitzer - Kraggy Ironwall
Blitzer - Tigo Shalesteel

Runner - Korre Goodpacer
Runner - Reshod Tunnelminer

Troll Slayer - Tdosk Wyrmkiller
Troll Slayer - Kmadr Monsterender

Blocker - Deguh Stonehammer
Blocker - Gabor Anvilworker
Blocker - Git Prayerarmor
Blocker - Grot Shalekiller
Blocker - Hib Stonecairn
Blocker - Dehem Mineforger

This is the team I will be using as you can see they are full Painted and ready to rock and roll.

The Tournament rules also allow me to give 3 Players a Skill, and 1 Player a Double Skill.

In that case I would give the following players the following Skills:

Blitzer Kraggy Ironwall - Dodge
Runner Korre Goodpacer - Accurate
Troll Slayer - Tdosk Wyrmkiller - Tackle
Troll Slayer - Tdosk Wyrmkilller - Tackle

This gives me a nice advanatage against people with lots of Dodgers!

As I play games I will be sure to track my Teams Progress and keep you all updated!
