Ok not such a good blog post title.

I have to say that I think GW may have out done themselves this time.

The actual quality of the models that the Necron line has is amazing.

Saw this guy up on the GW pre-order page and boy do I want him. No idea what he is as I dont want to find out much about Necrons till I have the codex in my hands!

I am not going on a mad Necron buying spree... I am not going on a mad Necron buying spree... I am not going on a mad Necron Buying spree. There I said it three times... now I just need to hand all my money over to my wife to ensure I actually dont ignore what I just said!


Jason Meyers said…
The new Necrons do look sweet. I'm hoping somebody starts them up locally. Really anyone playing something other than Space Marines is a good thing...
I would guess that this guy (a Cryptek) looks to be some sort of Necron shaman.
Kraggi said…
@Der Feldmarschall. I would love to be able to play Necrons but not sure how many people will start em up round here.

@Doom Lord Porkov yes, yes he does and it makes me all tingly!
Rusty Nail said…
I reckon under an hour after you have the codex in your hands there will be money being spent - probably on a bandwagon ;0)
Kraggi said…

Thats entirely possible, however I only have a set amount I can spend... so I must choose my models wisely!
ant1clock said…
Necrons, I need one of those and one of those and two of those, oh three of those and less than six of those is just a waste. How much, oh right do you take livers in part exchange.

RTGamer said…
I think they look great. Still a little wary of Finecast though...