Calling Dystopian War Bloggers!

So second time round for this, the last time I posted about it was late last year.

As you may or may not see, on the left handside of my Blog there is a section labelled Dystopian Wars Bloggers.

This is a blog roll I am trying to build up of people who are collecting, modelling and gaming about the Dystopian Wars.

As anyone who has played it can atest this is an awesome game, and I am trying to do my bit to up coverage of the game.

I got an awful lot of my weekly traffic to the Blog from people coming to read my Dystopian Wars Review. I figure the more information peopel can find out about this Game the better.

So if you would like to be included on the Blogroll on the left handside then please drop me a comment here, or an email to

As I mentioned yesterday I have some pages setup for my Various Games Systems, on the Dystopian Wars one, I will add any websites or blogs that would like to be added that contain Dystopian Wars content, just as another way to try and improve the amount of information out there and hopefully to make it easier to access.

So any help, suggestions ideas or weblinks will be greatly appreciated... cause I reckon that with a little bit of work we can further help increase the amount of information out there for Dystopian Wars newbies and players alike!


winter said…
Hey there, I've just started Dystopian Wars and have a few posts up about my painting so far.
Kraggi said…
Hiya Winter,

Got you added to the Blogroll and Dystopian Wars page, thanks for your interest and I look forward to more of your posts.
Onimusha said…
Hello Kraggi, I also started recently with Dystopian wars but am very impressed with the miniatures and the game system. I have a blog about my wargaminng hobby and I have some neat DW things in the pipeline.
Kraggi said…
Hiya Onimusha, Thanks for the interest. I look forward to seeing what you have coming up, got you added to the post and to the blog roll.
Josh said…
Hey there, I've just started collecting a gaming with dystopian wars. My blog can be found voer on wordpress at:

Kraggi said…
Hiya PEM, apologies that it took so long to get your comment approved, I have got you added to the website list on the Dystopian Wars link at the top of the page.