Everblight Force

Hey everyone! It's me Dragkon here.

So I thought I put this post just before the Everblight Expansion post. So to start off all these images that you are going to see are from a 24hr painting event that I attended last year. As you can see this was the main stuff that I wanted to get painted during it. Menoth, Everblight and Night Goblin Big Boss.

So this was what I was going to paint here. I never managed to get the Menoth painted up. What I did paint was my Legion of Everblight and my Night goblin warboss.

 the warbeast in early stages Pre-wash. and the NG slowly getting there

 Legion Modals now have been washed with the basic colours waiting for additional detail to be added.

 Carnivean finished

 Pics of the Legion of everblight when they were finished

So that wraps this sneak post in. So when you see the "Expansion" post for these guys you will know what I have done and had before them. 

Till next time Dragkon
