I have been invited to a 1000 point 40k tournament in Glasgow. Normal force Organisation restrictions and special characters are allowed.
Now I enjoy all points levels of 40k, the bigger ones I get to have more toys in, but I think that it takes real skill to build competitive lists at the lower points values.
Now don’t get me wrong the Guard Codex has so many options that it does take a bit of the challenge out of it, however I tend to aim away from Veterans unless I am using my Air Cav force which is just for amusement as much as anything else.
Anyway, back to this tournament. So I have a 1000 points to play with. I am going to knock up a few lists see if I get any feedback, and then try playing them.
So the first list will have 0, yep that’s right 0 Veterans. I love em, but I am a big believer in the power of the Infantry platoon.
List 1:
Company Command Squad, Lascannon
Sly Marbo
Infantry Platoon
Infantry Command Squad, 4 x Flamers
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Platoon
Infantry Command Squad, 4 x Meltaguns
Infantry Squad, Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad
Valkyrie Squadron, 2 Valks both with Multiple Rocket Pods.
This gives me 7 Lascannons, 6 of which are Twin Linked, 4 Meltaguns and 2 Autocannons against Armour
4 Str 4 Pie Plates, 4 Infantry Squads & 4 Flamers against hordes, and a fast moving set of units.
Fragile potentially against a Long Fang heavy list, but has possibilities.
The Second list will make a concession in that a single Veteran squad is cheaper and concedes less kill points than an Infantry Platoon.
Company Command Squad, Lascannon
Sly Marbo
Infantry Platoon:
Infantry Command Squad: 3 x Flamers
Infantry Command Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Command Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Command Squad, Autocannon
Veteran Squad, 3 x Meltaguns
Leman Russ Battle Tank
This has a bit more armour for people to focus on, and a few less shots (1 Infantry Command Squad’s worth). The Meltaguns are at BS4 this time instead of just 3 so that will help them immensely and being in a bigger unit means they have more ablative armour as such.
These are the two lists I will test out, think I will end up rolling a dice for which I try first, as they both appeal to me quite a lot…
Now I enjoy all points levels of 40k, the bigger ones I get to have more toys in, but I think that it takes real skill to build competitive lists at the lower points values.
Now don’t get me wrong the Guard Codex has so many options that it does take a bit of the challenge out of it, however I tend to aim away from Veterans unless I am using my Air Cav force which is just for amusement as much as anything else.
Anyway, back to this tournament. So I have a 1000 points to play with. I am going to knock up a few lists see if I get any feedback, and then try playing them.
So the first list will have 0, yep that’s right 0 Veterans. I love em, but I am a big believer in the power of the Infantry platoon.
List 1:
Company Command Squad, Lascannon
Sly Marbo
Infantry Platoon
Infantry Command Squad, 4 x Flamers
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Platoon
Infantry Command Squad, 4 x Meltaguns
Infantry Squad, Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad
Valkyrie Squadron, 2 Valks both with Multiple Rocket Pods.
This gives me 7 Lascannons, 6 of which are Twin Linked, 4 Meltaguns and 2 Autocannons against Armour
4 Str 4 Pie Plates, 4 Infantry Squads & 4 Flamers against hordes, and a fast moving set of units.
Fragile potentially against a Long Fang heavy list, but has possibilities.
The Second list will make a concession in that a single Veteran squad is cheaper and concedes less kill points than an Infantry Platoon.
Company Command Squad, Lascannon
Sly Marbo
Infantry Platoon:
Infantry Command Squad: 3 x Flamers
Infantry Command Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Command Squad, Autocannon
Infantry Command Squad, Autocannon
Veteran Squad, 3 x Meltaguns
Leman Russ Battle Tank
This has a bit more armour for people to focus on, and a few less shots (1 Infantry Command Squad’s worth). The Meltaguns are at BS4 this time instead of just 3 so that will help them immensely and being in a bigger unit means they have more ablative armour as such.
These are the two lists I will test out, think I will end up rolling a dice for which I try first, as they both appeal to me quite a lot…