Spartan Games Forums

The a nice bonus to playing Spartan Games...

Well as we all know from the long time we have played wargames, rules just aren't perfect.

Either due to a poorly described rule, or due to a badly written rule. Mis-prints also dont help, players can also add to the problem, exploiting loop holes in the rules.

Spartan games are not exempt from these mistakes and while I have so far found this book to be a lot better than the Firestorm or Uncharted Seas books (no see Page XX mistakes), there have been a few that got in, and the more the game is played the more will be found. 

However Spartan games have an official Errata thread on their forums which will list all the mistakes. This has been posted on and looks to be being update as the mistakes are found and highlighted by the community.

The Forums for Spartan games are an awesome resource to anyone playing any of their game systems, and I advise you all to have a look to see what information, tactics, painting advice, fleet building advice there is there.

I strongly recommned if you are interested heading over to their forum, and signing up so you can take part in the discussions they are having!
