Cry Havoc

So this weekend I am taking part in a local tournament called Cry Havoc.

It consists of three games. The first is 1500 points, followed by 1999 points and finally by 2250 points. The scenarios are random and I have managed a couple of practise games so in the last week or so.

There are in total 40 players going. So my aim is to finish in the top 20. If I can do that then I will have an excellent shift after the tournament lol.

Anyways, here are the Three Lists I am going to use. While the lists do not need to replicate each other I figured it would be easier (given my lack of time and practise) to use the same list and just add to it.

For the 1500 Points I have:

Thane: Weapon: Rune of Fury, Rune of Speed, Talisman: Rune of Sanctuary x 2, Shield
Runesmith: Talisman: Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking, Shield, Great Weapon

Dwarf Warriors (20); Shields, Full Command
Longbeards (20); Shields, Full Command
Thunderers (10)
Thunderers (10)

Cannon; Rune of Forging & Rune of Reloading
Cannon: Rune of Forging & Rune of Burning
Bolt Thrower: Engineer, Rune of Penetration

Organ Cannon

For the 1999 Points I will be using:


Thane: Weapon: Rune of Fury, Rune of Speed, Talisman: Rune of Sanctuary x 3, Shield
Runesmith: Talisman: Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking, Shield, Great Weapon
Master Engineer: Pistol, Talisman: Sanctuary. Master Rune of Dismay

Dwarf Warriors (20); Shields, Full Command
Longbeards (20); Shields, Full Command, Master Rune of Grungi on the Standard
Thunderers (10)
Thunderers (10)
Thunderers (10)

Cannon; Rune of Forging & Rune of Reloading & Rune of Immolation
Cannon: Rune of Forging & Rune of Burning & Rune of Immolation
Cannon: Rune of Forging & Rune of Immolation

Organ Cannon

For the 2250 list I am using the list below. This has been tweaked from this list here:

Dwarf Lord: Shield, Shield Bearers, Runic Armour: Rune of Preservation & Rune of Resistance, Runic Weapon: Master Rune of Swiftness, Rune of Might, Rune of Fury.


Thane: Weapon: Rune of Fury, Rune of Speed, Talisman: Rune of Sanctuary x 3, Shield
Runesmith: Talisman: Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking, Shield, Great Weapon
Master Engineer: Pistol, Talisman: Sanctuary. Master Rune of Dismay

Longbeards (20); Shields, Full Command, Master Rune of Grungi on the Standard
Thunderers (10)
Thunderers (10)

Cannon; Rune of Forging & Rune of Reloading & Rune of Burning
Cannon: Rune of Forging & Rune of Burning
Cannon: Rune of Forging
Hammerers (20): Full Command, Runic Standard with Rune of Determinaion & Rune of Sanctuary x 2 

Organ Cannon 
Organ Cannon

I have been warned about Dual Dragons, Multi Stegas and the like and think it could be entertaining. Daemons worry me, but that is cause I havent really had a good game against them (especially not one where I didnt end up very frustrated, but this is more due to me not knowing all of their quirks yet).
