Imperial Guard 2000 Points – All Comers List (I hope)

So on the back of my 1500 point lists that I have been posting, I have written a 2000 point list for my Imperial Guard. It is basically an expansion of aforementioned 1500 points.

The idea of the lists I post is that they are All Comers lists which do not need changes to be able to play against any other list. These lists will always struggle against a list built specifically to beat them, but other than that they should give me a good chance.

So for 2000 points I have tweaked the list around slightly. It now includes:

Company Command Squad; 3 Sniper Rifles, Master of the Fleet, Astropath
Primaris Psyker

1st Platoon
Command Squad; Vox Caster, 3 x Flamers
Infantry Squad; Vox Caster, Rocket Launcher
Infantry Squad; Vox Caster, Autocannon
Infantry Squad; Vox Caster, Autocannon
Heavy Weapons Squad; 3 x Lascannons

2nd Platoon
Command Squad; Vox Caster, 3 x Flamers, Captain Al’rahem, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad; Vox Caster, Meltagun, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad; Vox Caster, Meltagun, Chimera w/ Hull Heavy Flamer

Veteran Squad; Grenadiers, 3 x Meltagun’s, Sergeant w/ Power Fist & Melta-bombs

Valkyrie Assault Carrier, Multiple Rocket Pods

Leman Russ; Hull Heavy Flamer
Leman Russ; Hull Heavy Flamer
Leman Russ Demolisher; Multi-Melta Sponsors, Hull Heavy Flamer

Total: 2000 Points
Total Models: 90
Max Kill Points: 20
Min Kill Points: 17

So this list is ideal in Objective based games, it has 9 scoring units, 6 of which can be mounted in a Transport, and 3 of which have to outflank.

It also has a fair amount of long ranged firepower for reducing the enemy that will most likely be hurtling towards them.

The down side is in Kill Point games… 20 kill points is a lot, and even if I try and do my best to reduce it I cannot go below 17. Realistically I will not be combining the squads in the 2nd Platoon so that means 19 kill points on offer… a worrying thought.

The best way to use this force is going to be to focus fire down a Kill point or 2 a turn. Most likely will be the kill points that are likely to get to me first, or the ones with big templates.

As usual I welcome any comments or feedback. If you can see an obvious weakness or something you would exploit then I would really like to hear from you.


Anonymous said…
Nice list, but I worry you're not getting the best out of the units that you have.

For example, you are most likely going to have two vendettas/valkaryes with no units embarked (assuming the infantry platoon without Al'Raheem is going to combine to protect the Leman Russes). This, therefore, is not maximising there potential of protecting and ferrying troops to objectives throughout the game.

I have experimented with Al'Raheem myself in recent months and have just found he fails to be effective for me. When using him as you are, with an armoured platoon, I find that outflanking with Chimera's exposes my side/rear armour too frequently resulting in a swift death to my Chimera's and leaving my objective grabbers like a rabbit in the headlights. I also find the turn or two of lost firepower from the Chimera's has a large impact on my early game kill count which isn't made back up when they arrive. I've also tried using him with a footslogging platoon, a platoon full of special weapon squads, and even a gun battery platoon but each time their effectiveness has only been hampered by the outflanking. When you consider the points cost of Al'Raheem plus the Telepath, your looking at 100 points. Removing these two from the list, and replacing the platoon entirely with two chimera vet squads looses you no firepower, still gives your two fast objective grabbing units and leaves you points spare. Shedding the psyker too would give you enough points for another battletank, which offers considerably more firepower and only a minor reduction in mobility, and removes a kill point or two from the list. Personally, I probably wouldn't take the chimeras and let the vets hop into the fliers, giving them the option to outflank when required and freeing up further points for heavier armour, thus denying more kill points.

I've had no joy with lascannon teams either. At the cost, I've found its worth scraping the exta twenty points or so to take a vendetta. Not only is it more survivable, its more accurate twin linked) and offers further tactical flexibility. At the current point pricing for heavy weapons teams, this ones a no brainer for me every time.

I've been working on a similar 2k list to this one, I'll post it shortly and let me know what you think.

Kraggi said…
Thanks for the feedback, am aiming to get back into my Guard so this will be getting a serious rethink in the next few weeks.

I like the idea of massed armour and men, but have always hated the idea of the Chimera's so may try and tweak it around a little.

I look forward to your list, feel free to drop me a link here when you do.
Kraggi said…
Thanks for the feedback, am aiming to get back into my Guard so this will be getting a serious rethink in the next few weeks.

I like the idea of massed armour and men, but have always hated the idea of the Chimera's so may try and tweak it around a little.

I look forward to your list, feel free to drop me a link here when you do.