Deadline Approaches!

OK so quick post time. The Warstone Flux challenge is still ongoing, although the deadline for submissions is fast approaching.

When I last checked I was the only person to have submitted a list. To give you all a bit more info here is a quick lowdown.

Warpstone Flux is challenging gamers to write a Kill Team (using the rules from Battlemissions) to fight in a scenario that he has written up.

All the info is here.


Rusty Nail said…
You're not the only one anymore - although my post is still awaiting approval!
Unknown said…
so is mine, thnx for reminding me, I'm curious which of us will win! :D your list is looking good. curious what you'll think of mine lol.

what about that Combat Patrol list btw? tried it out yet?

Kraggi said…
I didnt have the models to try it out, although I did give a variation with Chimeras a shot and it wasnt too bad.

Main problem is that Tom (the exact one that posted above ya) is the one that has 7 rockets in 400 points and he likes seeing vehicles for this reason lol.