Valks, Vendettas then more Valks

On the back of my Post yesterday about the doubles tournament, picking and creating the army for the Doubles Tournament has given me some inspiration for my Imperial Guard forces.

The list below is very very themed and probably amazingly fragile, however this is something that I cannot wait to do, and think will look very impressive.

So without further ado here is my 1500 point list:

Company Command Squad: Vox Caster, Carapace Armour, 3 x Flamers
Company Command Squad: Vox Caster, Carapace Armour, 3 x Plasma Guns

Veteran Squad: Grenadiers, Vox Caster, 3 x Flamers
Veteran Squad: Grenadiers, Vox Caster, 3 x Flamers
Veteran Squad: Grenadiers, Vox Caster, 3 x Meltaguns
Veteran Squad: Grenadiers, Vox Caster, 3 x Meltaguns

Fast Attack:
Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron; 2 Valkyries, Multiple Rocket Pods
Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron; 2 Valkyries, Multiple Rocket Pods
Vendetta Squadron; 2 Vendettas

The list is a bit spammy, but should look impressive when used, I am also looking into dropping one of the Multiple Rocket Pods on one of the Valks so that I can fit in an Astropath.

With an Astropath I will be using whole army in Reserve, Outflanking each game, without it I may not as the risks of a piecemeal arrival worry me.

As always, any comments or suggestions are always welcome.
