This week

Well the rewrite of the list for my Guard has worked wonders. Much more reliability, much more redundancy... which helps... a lot. I have managed 3 games this week, 2 vs marines, and 1 vs Tau. Apologies for no blow by blow reports... really need to figure out a good way to collect the info I need without slowing the game down I think. The First game was 2000 points and objective based, and i used the list as presented in my last post. Now it was the second run out for it, and it went well. The Marines (with a lot of help from the dice for me) were pretty much toasted, the Vendettas and Valk flew rings around them, and the ever fearsome Assault squad with Shrike + Chaplain was dealt with early on. The Second game was 1500 points against my Brothers Tau. His list was very fragile, and when we rolled the Kill point mission I was actually very worried. I lost both of my Valks in Turn 2... Broadsides are basically the bane of any Valk (imho), however from then onwards it went very well, I couldn't not roll a hit for all my template weapons and that pretty much wiped out everything that stood in my way. The Third game was today, 2000 points again, however this time I dropped Creed. In doing so I managed to fit in Sly Marbo, and with moving some of my Infantry Squads around I got another Platoon (and therefore Command Squad) into the list. I dropped the plasma's on the second Veteran squad and used them as Meltas, and swapped out one of the Vendettas for another Valkyrie. We rolled a Capture and Control, I got first turn and setup aggressively, as did the Space Marines.... then disaster! He stole the initiative (which as soon as he picked up the dice I got that sinking feeling). On a side note I have been playing 5th Ed since it came out, and I have seen all of the Initiative steals (4 of them so far) in the last 6 weeks. Two Dreadnoughts dropped in, one landing smack bang behind my Command squad (with a 7" scatter thank God), and the other... scattered off the board! Which when rolling on the Mishap table I go to place it... which was very nifty. Another side note, the Drop Pod special rule specifically states it will stop 1" away from IMPASSABLE terrain or enemy models. The way we read it the board edge doesn't count as impassable terrain (which it doesn't) you can still fall off the table with unlucky rolls. If anyone has seen an FAQ to say different, please point it out to me. Well from then onwards the game was all about bad dice rolling for me... for about 2.5 turns... then my superior numbers won me the day. It ended up with a resounding victory for the Guard with only 1 Marine left alive at the end of turn 6. So my lessons for the week. 1. Vendetta's, while awesome firepower do tend to mean you only move them 6" so you get to fire all the weapons... Valks are better. 2. Drop Podding Dreadnoughts & tactical squads sting. 3. Shrike should never be given the opportunity to Infiltrate within 12" of your battle lines 4. Landraiders are scary 5. Sly Marbo will only ever turn up on turn 4... and is likely to miss with half of his shots...
