A Doubles Tournament.
So I don't have a rules pack, and I don't know all the restrictions...
However I have been asked if I wanted to potentially go to a tournament like this, so I figured I would look into a 500 points Imperial Guard list (or 2)... min/maxed (at least in my mind) to get the best out of it.
I have got a couple of lists:
List 1:
Company Command Squad: Vox Caster, Mortar Team: 60 Points
Infantry Platoon:Command Squad: Medi-pack, 3 x Plasma Guns: 105 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: Vox Caster: 55 points
Heavy Weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Special weapons Squad: 3 x Grenade Launchers: 50 points
List 2:
Company Command Squad: Vox Caster: 55 Points
Infantry Platoon:Command Squad: Medi-pack, 2 x Plasma Guns: 90 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: Vox Caster: 55 points
Heavy Weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Mortars: 60 Points
List 3:
Lord Commissar: 70
Veteran Squad: 3 x Meltagun: 100 points
Veteran Squad: 2 x Meltagun, Heavy Flamer: 100 points
Valkyrie Assault Carrier: Rocket Pods: 130 points
Valkyrie Assault Carrier: 100 points
List 4:
Company Command Squad: Mortar Team: 55 Points
Infantry Platoon:Command Squad: Medi-pack, 3 x Plasma Guns: 105 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Heavy Weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Mortars: 60 Points
So for lists 1, 2 & 4 they share a lot of the tactics has a lot of template weapons... and I always feel they make up (alot) for the lower BS armies.
The Command Squad and Infantry Squad without Vox Casters will always be merged together. Gives some nice Ablative armour to the Plasma Gunners, and the Medi-packs mean that the Plasma Gunners get a 5+ armour save, followed by a 4+ FNP save... this should hopefully keep them alive.
Fingers crossed no one will bring a Landraider in a 500 point army, and hopefully with 2 Rocket Launcher Squads I should be able to get side shots on most tanks to take them out.
The Company Command Squad will do their best to keep both the Heavy Weapons Squads in range for Orders. The random mortar is there to fill points... and could be used to upgrade a Grenade Launcher to a Meltagun I suppose... the random chance of getting a Pinning check is worth it for 5 points tho.
The Special Weapons squad is still up for debate, as it is an easy Killpoint... but might be able to do a bit of damage with its template grenades as well.
The 3rd List is a bit of a one trick pony, but given that its a tournament it might work as a 5 or 6 trick pony... depending on my allies.
I am pretty sure that I will be running one of the list 1, 2 or 4 but will be interested to see if i can get some feedback on this.
I will also probably look at posting a revised list once I have an idea what my team mate will be bringing with him... given he is probably reading this at the mo thinking 'i only asked him about it today and don't even know if i want to do this'
Ah well I always jump feet first.. more interesting that way lol.
So I don't have a rules pack, and I don't know all the restrictions...
However I have been asked if I wanted to potentially go to a tournament like this, so I figured I would look into a 500 points Imperial Guard list (or 2)... min/maxed (at least in my mind) to get the best out of it.
I have got a couple of lists:
List 1:
Company Command Squad: Vox Caster, Mortar Team: 60 Points
Infantry Platoon:Command Squad: Medi-pack, 3 x Plasma Guns: 105 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: Vox Caster: 55 points
Heavy Weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Special weapons Squad: 3 x Grenade Launchers: 50 points
List 2:
Company Command Squad: Vox Caster: 55 Points
Infantry Platoon:Command Squad: Medi-pack, 2 x Plasma Guns: 90 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: Vox Caster: 55 points
Heavy Weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Mortars: 60 Points
List 3:
Lord Commissar: 70
Veteran Squad: 3 x Meltagun: 100 points
Veteran Squad: 2 x Meltagun, Heavy Flamer: 100 points
Valkyrie Assault Carrier: Rocket Pods: 130 points
Valkyrie Assault Carrier: 100 points
List 4:
Company Command Squad: Mortar Team: 55 Points
Infantry Platoon:Command Squad: Medi-pack, 3 x Plasma Guns: 105 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Infantry Squad: 50 points
Heavy Weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Rocket Launchers: 90 Points
Heavy weapons Squad: 3 x Mortars: 60 Points
So for lists 1, 2 & 4 they share a lot of the tactics has a lot of template weapons... and I always feel they make up (alot) for the lower BS armies.
The Command Squad and Infantry Squad without Vox Casters will always be merged together. Gives some nice Ablative armour to the Plasma Gunners, and the Medi-packs mean that the Plasma Gunners get a 5+ armour save, followed by a 4+ FNP save... this should hopefully keep them alive.
Fingers crossed no one will bring a Landraider in a 500 point army, and hopefully with 2 Rocket Launcher Squads I should be able to get side shots on most tanks to take them out.
The Company Command Squad will do their best to keep both the Heavy Weapons Squads in range for Orders. The random mortar is there to fill points... and could be used to upgrade a Grenade Launcher to a Meltagun I suppose... the random chance of getting a Pinning check is worth it for 5 points tho.
The Special Weapons squad is still up for debate, as it is an easy Killpoint... but might be able to do a bit of damage with its template grenades as well.
The 3rd List is a bit of a one trick pony, but given that its a tournament it might work as a 5 or 6 trick pony... depending on my allies.
I am pretty sure that I will be running one of the list 1, 2 or 4 but will be interested to see if i can get some feedback on this.
I will also probably look at posting a revised list once I have an idea what my team mate will be bringing with him... given he is probably reading this at the mo thinking 'i only asked him about it today and don't even know if i want to do this'
Ah well I always jump feet first.. more interesting that way lol.
Well, you could get a 250pt Land Raider, two 5-man scout squads at 75 a head, and a 100pt HQ out of the Marine codex.
Lists 1, 2, and 4 only have one troops selection in there.
I really don't see why you'd cram 3 plasma guns and a medic into a BS3 squad. Very expensive for a unit that will get 1.5-3 plasma hits. If you really want those S7 hits, get autocannons. They don't blow up on you, get two shots out to 48", and you can get three of them for less than 100 points.
I think the double-Valk army could be interesting, but also very eggs-in-a-basket. But, that's what you get at 500pts. If the enemy didn't bring anything to deal with vehicles...they're screwed.
If you ARE required to take one HQ and two troops in the army, then at least the IG can do that pretty cheap.
50 points base for Command Squad
30 for 'toon command
50 for Infantry Squad
50 for Infantry Squad
30 for 'toon command
50 for infantry squad
50 for infantry squad.
310 total, which isn't bad. So, 190 to play with
I'd hand out autocannons to each of the infantry squads. Four autocannons run you 40 points, and then there's the question of Vox Casters, Y/N, and if you want to combine the squads or not. Non-combined voxes cost you 10; combined cost you 20.
Why the autocannons? Doubtful you'll see heavy armor at this points level, and they're sufficient to nail lighter transports at range.
So, autocannons + 4 vox-casters cost you 60 points out of your 190. 130 to go. I'd hand out a couple flamers to the 'toon command. Why them and not plasma? Cheap, and they're you're 'counter-assault.' Four flamers run you 20 points. 110 remaining.
Well, worst comes to worst we want some meltaguns. I'm not sure I'd normally recommend it, but I'd give them to your command squad because they're all the BS4 you have in the army. 30-40 points down. I'd make it four meltaguns and then get a heavy weapon mortar team, just to rain down on their parade and give you some non-line-of-sight weapons. Then, with the 10 remaining, you can hand out vox-casters to the platoon command. Well, make it 3 meltaguns and a vox-caster in the command squad, then hand someone a meltabomb or osmething.
Company Command
-3x Meltagun
-Vox Caster
-Krak Grenades
90 points
Platoon 1
'Toon Command
-2 Flamers
-Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
-Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
-Vox Caster
Platoon 2
'Toon Command
-2 Flamers
-Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
-Vox Caster
Infantry Squad
-Vox Caster
Heavy Weapon Squad
3x Mortars
Total: 500
In a larger army, I'd probably combine the infantry squads for order efficiency. As it is, combining them might be a good way to lose one of your two scoring chunks in a single assault.
With more discrete units, though, you can also spread out and end up being able to move to/cover more objectives.
The one weakness is against higher-armor targets, but...that's what you get with 500 points.
If you don't like the Mortars, I'd drop a meltagun and the kraks from company command to start the upgrade process.
Your buddy, then, is free to bring a more mobile component to your army, and/or augment your assault. Or, just more guns.
Thanks for the tips, will keep them in mind... gonna trial some different lists for the next few weeks.
If you really do want the plasma-mad, medic squad, I'd make it your Company Command squad just to get that BS4 and make it count more. Note that I still don't think it's a hot idea for Guard, but it's an option. At least put it on a BS4 squad.
I'm still surprised you'd run Infantry Squads without anything. Why's that? No special or heavy? I'd readily collapse some heavy weapons into there, just to give them some longevity. Take two wounds on a heavy weapon team and it's a morale check that might well send 'em off.
I have the army balanced out this way, because this way nothing is has to waste any of its points.
I also aim to have the Platoon and Infatry Squads combined and moving forward for objectives, heavy weapons would be wasted in them.
I am however looking at tweaking some of the weapon load outs, and maybe dropping a couple of special weapons in to each infantry squad.