One Day, Two Players, Three Games (well sort of)

Well as the title suggests today before work I managed to fit in 3 complete games. By complete the first game was going so badly I conceded on Turn 4, the second game went to turn 5 before ending and the 3rd one got to Turn 3 before we ran out of time.

My record today was Lost – Draw – Draw (although in my opinion this was a sure loss).

The first game was 1500 points, and was the first time I had ever used and Ork army… unfortunately for me it showed.

Here is the lowdown of what I had:

Warboss w/ Power Claw, ‘Eavy Armour, Cybork Body, Twin Linked Shoota & Attack Squig
Big Mek w/ Zzap Gun 7 Cybork Body
10 Nobz, All with ‘Eavy Armour, 5 with Big Choppa’s and a Painboy, Mounted in a Trukk with various Orky Upgrades
23 Ork Boyz, Slugga & Choppa, w/ Big Shoota x 2 & Nob
20 Ork ‘Ard Boyz, Slugga & Choppa, w/ Rokkit Launcher x 2 & Nob
12 Ork Boyz w/ Shoota & 1 Big Shoota & Nob
5 Storm Boyz
5 Burna Boyz w/ Mek
3 Deffkoptas w/ Twin Linked Rokkit Launcher
Battlewagon w/ Zzap Gun and Various Orky Upgrades

My Opponent had:

Vulkan He’stan
Space Marine Captain
Command Squad
Dreadnought w/meltagun & heavy Flamer
Ironclad Dreadnought w/seismic Hammer, Heavy Flamer & Meltagun
10 Man Tactical Squad w/ Rhino
10 Man Tactical Squad w/ Drop Pod
5 Man Assault Squad
Land Raider Redeemer

The army looked cool, had lots of big units… well two of them. However the idea of charging forward with my Orks (which was what I wanted to do) didn’t seem so sensible given the 2 Dreadnoughts and Landraider that was in front of me.

The Stormboyz rolled a 1 religiously whenever they tried to move, I forgot I had ‘Eavy Armour on my Nobz and didn’t even roll saves, and when I did I forgot they had Feel No Pain.

The Deffkoptas didn’t turn up turn after turn and I even forgot to roll for them one turn in the middle of all my cursing and crying.

The only highlight of the game was the fact that Vulkan’s drop pod and tactical squad dropped into just the right spot for me to hit them with some Stormboyz and my Nobz and Warboss… that combat wiped out everything save the Warboss and 2 Nobz.

I ended up with an Ork Boyz unit with 20 men it stuck in combat with a Dreadnought… no Power Claw on the Nob… and my unit of ‘Ard Boyz was less than 5” from the Ironclad Dreadnought at the beginning of the Space Marine Turn 4. My only other troop Choice was down to 2 men and fleeing and basically in an Objective based game I couldn’t capture any objectives.

I called it quits there as my opponent (My Brother Paul) was more than happy for a Rematch. I quickly ran to my PC and re-tweaked the army list. The changes made the list seem a little (and I stress that word) more viable.

Warboss w/ Power Claw, ‘Eavy Armour, Cybork Body, Twin Linked Shoota & Attack Squig
Big Mek w/ Zzap Gun 7 Cybork Body
10 Nobz, All with ‘Eavy Armour, 5 with Big Choppa’s and a Painboy, Mounted in a Trukk with various Orky Upgrades
23 Ork Boyz, Slugga & Choppa, w/ Big Shoota x 2 & Nob w/ Power Claw
20 Ork ‘Ard Boyz, Slugga & Choppa, w/ Rokkit Launcher x 2 & Nob w/ Power Claw
12 Ork Boyz w/ Shoota & 1 Big Shoota & Nob
5 Burna Boyz w/ Mek
2 Deffkoptas w/ Twin Linked Rokkit Launcher
2 Deffkoptas w/ Twin Linked Rokkit Launcher
Battlewagon w/ Zzap Gun and Various Orky Upgrades

This time we had the same mission but with a pitched battle deployment and 4 objectives on the table. I deployed everything on the table this time, and even with second turn I did really really well.

By the end of Turn 3 I had wiped out his two troop choices, however by the end of Turn 5 I had only one troop choice, firmly entrenched in difficult terrain and cover ,with no way to get to the objective in time, and an Ironclad Dreadnought in the way which my Deffkoptas simply couldn’t kill. This one ended up a solid draw, with me only having 3 Deffkoptas and a unit of 8 Ork Boyz waiting within licking distance of an Ironclad…

The Third game was Planetstrike and was an attempt by my Sons of the Lion Chapter re-take a Planet from the Nefarious Vulkan He’stan lookalike.

My Brother used the same army as his last two games, except he had his drop pod reassigned to his Ironclad and a couple of extra units. His defences looked sound and even a Firestorm with a huge 15 Shots did little but destroy his Auto-Defences and Interceptors. The Crash and Burn I used on turn one kinda stung him, knocking out 3 out of the 4 Bastions (including my brand new freshly glued and painted one… damn you luck gods!!!)

This game didn’t go too badly for me, no Deep Strike Mishaps and not an in-ordinate amount of armour failures from me, but other than some initial successes, the arrival of his Landraider Redeemer with 5 Thunder Hammers and Vulkan He’stan didn’t seem too bad… ok he got the Charge into my Stonewing Company Master and his Terminator squad with the Company Banner and Apothecary… however from then on it was all down hill.

I have to admit I HATE how much of a buff the characters in the Space Marine Codex have got… the WS6, S6 power weapon attacks that Vulkan has are kinda annoying. Couple this with a 2+ save as standard and a 3+ Inv and he made short work of my Stonewing Master.

The rest of the Terminator unit faired little better, even with 3 Sets of Lighting Claws and 4 attacks each when charged did nothing to save them as we managed to cause a whole one wound before being wiped out to a man.

This game ended up finishing on Turn 3, and in my honest opinion it was a loss for me. I don’t think I would have been able to capture enough of the objectives with the few numbers of models I had on the table and only 3 turns gone, well not capture them and hold 'em lol.

Anyway that’s a long enough post for today me thinks.
